Artificial Grass Court Maintenance Guidelines

TennisKit24 offers high-quality materials for artificial grass court surfaces. Therefore, the requirements for artificial grass maintenance are not very strict. Nevertheless, your court needs regular maintenance to keep its good playing properties over time. The TennisKit24 warranty is only valid if artificial grass maintenance is performed properly and regularly in accordance with the procedures below.

Artificial grass maintenance guidelines by TennisKit24 are based on long-term experience and expert knowledge about artificial grass courts.

After the TennisKit24 artificial grass is installed, it takes some time for the infill material to “settle”. Playing on artificial grass courts helps “settling” and ensures optimal distribution of the infill material. Still, the court may require topping-up with sand after some time. Any bends or folds in the artificial grass will disappear over time under the influence of the outside temperatures and the weight of sand. During the winter months, this process may take longer.

Even a long time after installation, it is possible that loose piles appear during brushing. It is not a cause for any concern. During installation, the installer cuts rolls to size and also cut in the lines. Therefore, some of the piles are no longer fixed to the ground mat and are pulled loose during brushing. This phenomenon disappears over the time.

General Recommendations when Operating Artificial Grass Court

  • Please wear only correct footwear on the court.
  • Do not use of chewing gum and cigarettes on the court.
  • Only special vehicles such as artificial grass maintenance machines may drive on the court and the total weight of the vehicles must not exceed 400kg. Machines must have smooth tires.
  • Avoid point load, for example spike heels, table and chair legs, etc.
  • Pay special attention to keep the court free of soil from the surrounding area. We recommend placing a shoe-scraping mat or brush mat at the entrance in order to prevent the entry of soil into the court. In addition, during heavy rain showers, prevent flowing-in of the soil from the surrounding surface onto the artificial grass.
  • Remove falling leaves and tree needles immediately. In the long term, leaf material can start composting. Leaves also get pulverised and the debris finds its way deeper into the mat. This provides a good breeding ground for moss and weeds. Removing leaves is easiest to do with a leaf-blower. To prevent the infilling sand from being blown from the mat, it is important not to let the blow nozzle point vertically onto the mat. Another option is to use a brush.

Artificial Grass Daily Maintenance

  • Remove the trash which could damage court surface (bottles, metal cans, etc.).
  • Flammable debris around the court encourages vandals. Therefore, it is important that the court and its surroundings are always clean.
  • Check and maintain the drainage under the court regularly.
  • Loose seams can put players at risk if not repaired in time. We recommended visual inspection of the joints and edges of the artificial grass once a month by walking along with the court. Damage to artificial grass surface must be repaired immediately, regardless of whether the damage is due to accident or vandalism.
  • Remove any weeds on the edges of the court.
  • During the first three months after installation, check that the infill sand level is uniform. If necessary, brush the surface once a week with the appropriate brush.
  • Brushing is not recommended in rainy weather or when the artificial grass is wet. The surface of the artificial grass must be dry to allow the filling sand to be brushed evenly. If sand adheres to the brush, the conditions for brushing are too wet.

More Thorough Maintenance Once a Year

At least once a year, it is advisable to carry out more extensive artificial grass maintenance (so-called spring maintenance).

  • During this, brush the court thoroughly to remove debris, trash, and moss. It is easier to brush with a suitable rider with a rotary brush, but it can also be done with a hand brush.
  • Replace the sand that has been lost during brushing with the new one. The required amount is approximately one big bag per court. In the case of the crushed stone sub-base, it is also advisable to roll the court over with a 600-700kg roller to seal the entire structure.

Artificial grass courts can also be used in winter when snow is removed from the court. Take care during snow removal in order to avoid damaging the artificial grass surface.

We do not recommend covering the artificial grass for winter as it creates the “greenhouse effect” and results in moss formation.

The conclusion

Finally, the golden rule in the maintenance of artificial grass courts: ongoing maintenance keeps the court in good condition.

These instructions on use and maintenance help to keep your artificial grass court in a good condition for many years and achieve the best possible playing experience.

In case of questions please contact our Customer Service.

Enjoy the Play!

Video – Tennis Court Brushing


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